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Charles H

我強烈推薦 Alison 和她的團隊成員提供的澳洲房地產投資課程和相關服務。作為海外投資者,我認為 Alison 的課程為我提供廣泛的信息,涵蓋了我想要了解的澳洲買樓資訊。在我的澳洲買樓過程中,Alison 團隊的導師為我提供及時的幫助,助我解決了許多困難。

在考慮購買澳洲第一套公寓時,Alison 就物業的位置和房產類型給予我很多專業建議。Alison 的講解和深入的投資回報分析,增強了我對投資澳洲房產的信心。由於在 COVID-19 大流行期間我們無法前往澳洲,Alison 和她的團隊在我的購買過程和相關法律程序中提供了很多專業協助。

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Esther N




一次偶然間在網上看到  Alison 分析澳洲樓市的影片,她的分析好專業,聽完好想再知道更多,之後就大膽嘗試聯絡她,她幫我計劃適合我的投資方向,為我尋找合適的物業,作為我海外投資的第一步。


Alison 很有耐性, 每次我有疑問,她都會好快回覆,她對工作的熱誠 ,對澳洲市場的熟悉以及她的專業知識,令我有勇氣開始這新的投資路!

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 Nicholas C 醫生

當今世界,互聯網上從不缺少你想知道的信息,在海量的信息中如何去偽存真才是最難的。我通過 Alison 關於澳洲房地產投資的高度結構化課程認識了她 ,課程涵蓋了從最新市場趨勢、抵押貸款、法律和土地開發的方方面面。讓我從房產投資小白變成了有一定知識積累的成熟投資者。我會毫不猶豫地推薦 Alison,因為她提供非常令人信服,有足夠數據支撐的獨家專業分析。

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Felicia C

Alison 在澳洲房產投資方面做得非常出色,可以快速、專業地解答我所有疑問。她很有耐心,知識淵博,並且總是會很快回覆我,讓我非常有信心做投資,我很榮幸能認識 Alison 並由她為我處理投資事項。

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Dr Elaine L

2022 年,我曾計劃通過投資澳洲房地產市場來擴大和多元化我的投資組合。由於我已經十多年沒有在澳洲生活過,所以我非常希望能夠找到一位足夠專業的人士來幫我了解澳洲的經濟和發展。與此同時,我更希望這個人可以及時幫我買入心儀的樓盤,即使我人不在澳洲也不用煩心。


我很幸運能找到 Alison 作為我的導師。我參加了 Alison 的課程,該課程於 5  月以粵語授課。她的課程非常有用且結構合理。它涵蓋了房地產投資的所有方面,包括採購、轉讓、抵押和房地產開發。

參加強化課程後,我有信心在 Alison 的協助下尋找我的第一個投資物業。 Alison 的專業的找房方法給我留下了深刻的印象。在推薦房產之前,她與我進行了多次深入討論。由於她的中肯建議,我在一個月內成功找到了我的理想的投資物業,整個過程進行得很順利。


我非常欣賞和重視 Alison 的 Professionalism,她足智多謀,並富有耐心。我會毫不猶豫地向任何購房者推薦她,尤其是那些海外購房者。

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Rex C

I would like to express my utmost gratitude and satisfaction with Alison's exceptional services as my investment home agent. Throughout the entire process, she displayed a remarkable level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication that surpassed all my expectations.

From the moment I enlisted Alison's help, she exhibited an in-depth knowledge of the real estate market and a keen understanding of investment properties across Australia. She took the time to listen to my specific requirements and aspirations, allowing her to provide tailored advice and guidance that greatly influenced my investment decisions.

Alison's commitment to her clients is truly commendable. She consistently went above and beyond to ensure that I had a smooth and hassle-free experience. She conducted thorough research, diligently scouted properties, and presented me with comprehensive market analyses, empowering me to make informed choices. Her attention to detail was exceptional, and she promptly addressed any concerns or queries I had, providing clarity and reassurance throughout the process.

What truly sets Alison apart is her unwavering dedication to her clients' success. She demonstrated exceptional negotiation skills and a deep understanding of the financial aspects involved in investment properties. Thanks to her guidance, I was able to secure a highly profitable investment that perfectly aligned with my goals. Alison's expertise in analysing market trends and identifying lucrative opportunities proved invaluable and allowed me to make a sound investment decision.

Beyond her professional expertise, Alison possesses remarkable interpersonal skills. She is approachable, responsive, and always willing to go the extra mile. Her warm and friendly demeanor made it easy to communicate with her, and she fostered a trusting relationship that instilled confidence in every step of the process.

I wholeheartedly recommend Alison to anyone seeking an investment home agent. Her professionalism, knowledge, and unwavering dedication make her an invaluable asset. With Alison by your side, you can be confident that you will receive top-notch service and achieve outstanding results. I am truly grateful for her assistance, and I look forward to working with her again in the future.

Thank you, Alison, for your exceptional support and for making my investment home journey a resounding success!

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Ivan Y

我夫婦倆計劃回流澳洲過退休生活,透過 Youtube 認識了 Alison 老師,經她仔細分析後,於 2021 年初先後購入墨爾本西及布里斯本兩個 House and Land package 作為投資房。

2023 年初經 Alison 介紹之專業管理團隊,成功於短時間內租出昆州的房子,一切按步就班地落實。 而維州之地皮 亦已成功轉名,開始起屋。

於資金調撥方面,亦能得到  CBA 之 8 成按揭,如 Alison 推介樓盤時的陳述一樣。

在此,再一次謝謝 Alison 對澳洲樓市之專業分析,令我夫婦倆能掌握時機入市。

Yammie C

記得第一次見到老師,就是係 YouTube,當時我是被老師的聲音說話語調所吸引,感覺說話好真誠,再見到老師樣貌感覺好親切,所以一直都有收看老師的 Youtube 來了解澳洲各方面資訊。









Gigi K

Alison is professional, efficient and friendly. I met Alison over her YouTube channel. I agree with her investment idea, and also set my goal to achieve financial freedom before retirement. Alison is easy to communicate with, we get along instantly on the first consultation.  She provided me with strategic data on the investment property I was looking at, and also with humble personal experience and opinion. She understands the markets in different cities across Australia. I had a smooth consultation and purchasing experience with her.

Ann T

Alison’s responsiveness has impressed me throughout. I remember that unexpected hiccups occurred due to miscommunication between two other parties just before settlement. I texted Alison anxiously to seek help. She replied in no time, “It’s okay. I will follow up.” Eventually, everything was resolved, without incurring any financial loss on my side. All I could say to her was “thank you”. Even though it has been a year since settlement now, Alison is still only a phone call or text message away when I need her advice on my rental property. This is tremendously valuable to all foreign investors.

While she herself knows the ins and outs of the property market in Australia, Alison’s connections are her another asset. She can always refer the right people in other professions to me, which makes my life as an investor so much easier.

Brenda L

I had the pleasure of working with Alison as my property agent, and I must say that she exceeded my expectations in every way possible. As a lawyer in Australia, Alison brought her legal expertise to the table, ensuring that the entire process was smooth and hassle-free. She was not just a professional agent, but also a friend who understood our needs and went above and beyond to help us find the perfect property.

Her sincerity and helpfulness were evident throughout the process, and even after the purchase, she continued to offer excellent after-service, answering our queries and providing valuable guidance whenever we needed it. Her attention to detail and commitment to client satisfaction were truly remarkable.

I highly recommend Alison to anyone looking for a reliable and trustworthy property agent. She is a true professional who genuinely cares about her clients, and I am grateful for her assistance in making our dreams a reality.

Edward & Carmen

上年決定會到澳洲生活,本來諗住到埗後先租住一段時間,再慢慢物色地方。在搵租盤期間,無意睇到 Alison 既 YouTube Channel,睇到佢對未來澳洲樓市清晰既理據,以及其他evidences 同一般中介有別, 唔係淨係為賣樓而賣,真係會推薦一啲有潛力既樓盤,加上技術移民政策對外大幅度開放,而我哋就正正係受惠者,眼見未來幾年會有大量移民湧入澳洲,所以最後都聽左Alison 嘅建議,喺墨爾本買左一間 Apartment,之後再係 Perth 買咗個House and Land Package 作為投資。


除了 Alison 之外,亦要多謝佢背後龐大而專嘅團隊,過程中佢哋一直有俾好多有建設性既建議,亦好仔細咁解釋點安排,由律師處理法律文件,到 Booker 幫手聯絡銀行貸款,到搵 Builder 起屋,收樓既時候有同事同 Building Inspector 檢驗,都俾到我哋好大信心。 由開始決定買樓到而家咁多個月,遇到問題/麻煩,Alison 同佢既團隊都會盡快去幫忙,過程亦都減輕咗我地好多嘅擔憂同顧慮,令我地可以專心安排移民嘅事情。


由決定買樓到而家短短 9個月,無論係租金回報,同樓價升幅,都比預測還要好。 藉此,衷心多謝 Alison 同佢嘅團隊。期待墨爾本見!

Keith L

在網上認識 Alison 老師並讀了她的著作後,對投資澳洲房地產產生了興趣。

通過電子郵件與 Alison 老師聯繫,表達了對投資澳洲房地產的意願,而她亦很快回覆並安排了 Zoom會議,會議上 Alison 老師推薦了珀斯地區的House and Land產品,並分析了該地區物業的市場概況。最終,通過Alison老師的幫助,成功購買了一棟靠近海邊的獨立屋。整個交易過程非常高效和順利,僅用了大約一周時間。

如果您對於澳洲房地產市場投資感興趣,我強烈推薦 Alison 老師作為您的地產代理。Alison 老師是一位經驗豐富、知識淵博、專業且敬業的地產代理,她對於當地房地產市場有著精深的了解和見解。她不僅能夠幫助您找到最合適的物業,還能夠為您提供全面的市場分析和建議,以便您做出明智的決策。

Carmen L

Helpful, Responsible, Professional

Luckily, we first came across Alison’s YouTube channel, she gave us various useful analyses of Australian properties.

Alison gave us good advice and recommendations on many types and locations of properties in her professional view, indicating advantages & disadvantage. She gave us a lot of useful and critical information. During the discussion, she also showed us not only her knowledge and professionalism, but also showed her kind and care to what we really need.

During the time of COVID-19, we cannot physically travel to the sites, however Alison and her team helped us in all sorts of different aspects, such us legal process, renting agency, as well as mortgage information. Therefore, I highly recommend Alison and her team if you have any plans in purchasing property in Australia.

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